Amnesia 9
Amnesia - Issue 09 (1993-02-01)(Eclipse)(Disk 2 of 2).adf
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It is highly possible that in the
future, time travel will become a
reality. It is also known that Lee
Harvey Oswald was a fanatical anti-
goat campaigner, and that on the 22nd
November 1963, he was not handing out
communist literature, but in fact
distributing literature for the
"Goats are the creation of Satan"
party,an extreme right wing Christian
sect who believe that goats are pure
embodiments of carnal evil,because of
The Kennedy assassination their position within the Satanist
religion, and that God's Kingdom
There are several theories concerning should be cleansed of this scourge.
the mysterious Kennedy assassination. Today they currently hold approx.
Some include a plot by aliens,a mafia 0.0000000000000000000001 per cent of
assassin, a CIA assassin, a KGB the vote in the United States, and
assassin, a Cuban assassin, and even hold one seat in congress, because
a conspiracy theory.This is bullshit. the senator who previously was
Amnesia diskzine,the leading force in sitting there forgot to leave his
exclusive news, can now exclusively coat on the back of the seat, and
reveal the truth. didn't want to cause a fuss. These
facts were covered up by the CIA.
The scenario goes like this. As It is highly possible that in the
president Kennedy was waving to the future, time travel will become a
American public on the grassy knoll, reality. It is also known that Lee
a goat from the future materialised Harvey Oswald was a fanatical anti-
on the seat beside him, before goat campaigner, and that on the 22nd
anyone in the car had noticed, apart November 1963, he was not handing out
from the President, Oswald, who was communist literature, but in fact
at an excellent vantage point to see distributing literature for the
the particular point at which the "Goats are the creation of Satan"
goat materialised, and was previously party,an extreme right wing Christian
enjoying a polo mint, deduced that sect who believe that goats are pure
goats had found their way into high embodiments of carnal evil,because of
positions of power,and that Kennedy's their position within the Satanist
right-hand-goat had to be religion, and that God's Kingdom
assassinated. However,as his previous should be cleansed of this scourge.
navy crewmates later testified,Oswald Today they currently hold approx.
was a lousy shot. He missed, and hit 0.0000000000000000000001 per cent of
the President. In the subsequent the vote in the United States, and
confusion, no-one noticed the goat hold one seat in congress, because
running away from the car, (although the senator who previously was
it can be seen in a film which was sitting there forgot to leave his
later destroyed by the CIA). He was coat on the back of the seat, and
later alleged to have said: didn't want to cause a fuss. These
facts were covered up by the CIA.
"Oh shit, I hit the President!"
The CIA knew what happened, however,
in order to avoid looking stupid they
destroyed all evidence of the goat,
apart from the actual goat, which is
in cryogenic suspension in Hangar 18,
in Arizona......
Article By : Arc/Eclipse
Clipart By : Arc/Eclipse